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Recovery |

Fair Oaks Recovery Center blog articles on the topic of addiction recovery for individuals in recovery from drugs and/or alcohol. Here you will find information and resources on the subject.

Take Pride in Your Recovery to Help Others

Take Pride in Your Recovery to Help Others

Celebrating Pride is significant, whether as a member of the LGBTQIA2s+ community (which we’ll collectively refer to in this article as LGBTQ), a person maintaining sobriety, or both. Allies can help, too, especially by breaking down barriers to LGBTQ health equity. By taking pride in your recovery and extending vital wellness resources to others, you...
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How Smoking Affects Your Recovery

How Smoking Affects Your Recovery

The American Lung Association (ALA) indicates there are more than 600 ingredients in cigarettes alone that, when burned, “create more than 7,000 chemicals.” While you may be well aware smoking isn’t healthy, it’s still a challenging habit to break, especially while you’re in addiction treatment. But does smoking help or hurt your recovery?  Why Do People...
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Reasons for Relapse

8 Reasons for Relapse and How to Recover

Many aspects of life can send us into a whirlwind of stress, overwhelming emotions, and negative behaviors. But if you’re in recovery or know someone who is, it’s essential to understand the reasons for relapse and how to ramp up support during these adverse times, even if it means returning to rehab for better guidance...
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loneliness in sobriety - Young woman lying on sofa

If You’re Lonely in Sobriety, Here’s What May Help

In 2023, CNN reported on “the loneliness epidemic,” citing worldwide research that revealed one in four adults, usually between the ages of 19 and 45, feel “very or fairly lonely.” If you’re feeling lonely in sobriety, there are many ways to remedy this, from rehab alumni connections to mutual aid support groups and more. Let’s...
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Meditation Styles to Support Your Recovery, meditation in addiction recovery

Meditation Styles to Support Your Recovery

The medical community embraces meditation as a viable method to provide stress relief, improve mindfulness, boost energy, and promote better emotional, mental, and physical health. But which meditation styles best support your recovery? Whatever method resonates with you. Fortunately, meditation is easy, and there are many options to try until you find the right fit.Meditation:...
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6 Signs That It’s Time to Return to Rehab,

6 Signs That It’s Time to Return to Rehab

Maintaining good health requires dedicated focus. For example, a person with a chronic illness such as diabetes is going to eat a whole-food diet, incorporate regular daily movement into their routine, use different ways to manage stress more effectively, and maybe even take medication if advised by their physician. If you have alcohol use disorder...
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Goals in Recovery provide a reason to get out of your comfort zone, take action, and work towards something meaningful.

Setting Intentional Goals for Recovery

So January 1st has come and gone and, with it, any resolutions jotted down in all the excitement of a new year. A sad but true fact is approximately 80 percent of us abandon New Year’s promises. Does that mean goals are pointless? Not all all—but you may have to enhance your ability to set...
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5 Myths About Being Sober

5 Myths About Being Sober

It’s not uncommon for people to avoid getting addiction treatment because they believe many of the myths about being sober, such as not being able to have fun anymore or that using other substances won’t cause a problem. Remember: your health is valuable, and knowing the truth should be the guiding factor in choosing sobriety....
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Using Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Recovery

Using Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Recovery

In recent years, there’s been a strong movement among addiction scientists and advocates to change the language of addiction. The goal? Speak more supportively about addiction and less judgmentally, because words matter to our well-being. This is also the philosophy behind using positive affirmations to boost your recovery. While it’s easy to initially think these...
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Peer support groups ,

Making the Most of the 12 Steps

Most addiction rehabilitation facilities incorporate some type of 12-Step program in their treatment approach, and Fair Oaks Recovery Center is no exception. Whether you choose Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or another mutual aid support group that uses 12-Step tenets, it’s totally within your control to make the most of the philosophies to reinforce...
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(888) 576-0222
Fair Oaks Recovery Center is now in-network with Kaiser Permanente

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We are here to help and want to answer your questions.
(888) 576-0222
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