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Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery |

Fair Oaks Recovery Center blog articles in the field of substance use disorders and addiction recovery. Here you will find news, information, and inspiration about drug and alcohol addiction treatment modalities, recovery stories, and more.

Understanding Motivational Interviewing

Using Motivational Interviewing for Healing

It’s easy to think of addiction treatment as simply detoxification and withdrawal management—and those components are absolutely essential for your initial transition into sobriety. But to ensure long-term recovery, you need to develop reliable wellness techniques. Some people find success using motivational interviewing for healing. If you haven’t heard of this approach, here’s how it...
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loneliness in sobriety - Young woman lying on sofa

If You’re Lonely in Sobriety, Here’s What May Help

In 2023, CNN reported on “the loneliness epidemic,” citing worldwide research that revealed one in four adults, usually between the ages of 19 and 45, feel “very or fairly lonely.” If you’re feeling lonely in sobriety, there are many ways to remedy this, from rehab alumni connections to mutual aid support groups and more. Let’s...
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Motivational Books for Addiction Recovery

Motivational Books for Addiction Recovery

Motivation is the term often used to describe why someone does something. Seems simple, right? But what sparks that internal drive? More importantly, how do we sustain it? For many people, the framework of motivation is reinforced by positive thinking and a shared common goal to overcome adversity and not only survive but thrive. So How...
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6 Signs That It’s Time to Return to Rehab,

6 Signs That It’s Time to Return to Rehab

Maintaining good health requires dedicated focus. For example, a person with a chronic illness such as diabetes is going to eat a whole-food diet, incorporate regular daily movement into their routine, use different ways to manage stress more effectively, and maybe even take medication if advised by their physician. If you have alcohol use disorder...
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Addiction counseling, Abstinence Versus Harm Reduction - man talking to therapist

What to Expect With Substance Abuse Counseling

A critical aspect of effective whole-person care in addiction rehabilitation is revealing the underlying factors for substance use disorder (SUD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD). This discovery happens through substance abuse counseling. It’s easy to feel apprehensive about therapy, especially if you’ve never done it before, but remember: you deserve to learn everything about your...
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Adventure sports ,Ideas for Sober Fun

Ideas for Sober Fun

As adults, we tend to think about escaping the throes of everyday life more than about making time to play or have fun. Yes, we need to be responsible, but we also need to nurture a balanced perspective of enjoyment. A common question for people new to recovery is “How will I have fun?” because...
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Pink cloud syndrome

What Is Pink Cloud Syndrome?

Pink cloud syndrome, often referred to as “pink clouding,” is a term used in addiction recovery and mental health to describe a temporary phase of intense positivity and optimism that some individuals experience early on in recovery. Initially, these feelings add to your motivation to stay the course, but keep in mind there’s still work...
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(888) 576-0222
Fair Oaks Recovery Center is now in-network with Kaiser Permanente

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(888) 576-0222
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