Get Help Now: (888) 576-0222
Get Help Now: (888) 576-0222

What to Bring

Thank you for choosing Fair Oaks Recovery Center!

What To Bring To Rehab & How To Pack For Treatment

Many patients wonder what items they can and cannot bring from home with them while they are undergoing drug and alcohol treatment at the facility. Our goal is to make you as comfortable as possible while adhering to facility safety regulations. However, we do have restrictions on what items are allowed to be brought into the facility.

Please also view our Getting Ready for Recovery & What to Expect. 

At a client’s request, personal valuables (including car keys, cell phones, and cash) can be placed in the facility safe. All items are logged and labeled with the client’s personal information.

Items approved to bring to Fair Oaks Recovery Center:

  • Appropriate clothing for 5 days including robe and PJ’s (laundry on site)
  • House slippers, sandals for shower, and tennis shoes/sneakers
  • Razors (stored in nurse’s stations) & shaving cream
  • Toothbrush, Toothpaste
  • Bath soap / Body wash & lotion, solid deodorant
  • Shampoo / conditioner
  • Minimal make-up
  • We are a fragrance-free facility – please no perfume or body spray
  • Fingernail clippers / toenail clippers (stored in nurses’ station)

Please leave these items at home:

  • Any electronic items which have the capability of audio or visual recordings.
  • Computers / iPads / tablets / gaming devices
  • Water bottles – you will be provided  one at admission free of charge
  • Products with alcohol – including hygiene supplies, perfume, cologne
  • Jewelry

Cellphones will be kept locked with valuables at admission. Phone time and a phone will be provided in treatment and access to personal phones will be on a case-by-case basis.

Fair Oaks Recovery Center of california - sacramento alcohol and drug addiction treatment center

For more information about programs offered at Fair Oaks Recovery Center, including our intensive outpatient program in Sacramento, please call us today at (888) 576-0222.

Send Us A Message

Take the Next Steps:

We are here to help and want to answer your questions.
(888) 576-0222
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